About Dan Hon

Headshot of Dan Hon

A relatively up-to-date about page for Dan Hon.

About Dan

Last updated March 14, 2025

Dan Hon is an expert on technology and its role in society. Most recently, he has been doing groundbreaking work transforming government and digital services.

Dan is a keynote speaker on government digital services and technology in society. His writing has been published in the MIT Technology Review and Wired Magazine.

He has been writing Things That Caught My Attention, a newsletter, since 2014.

The ebook Things That Caught My Attention, Volume 1 collects the best 45 essays from the first 50 episodes of the newsletter.

Short affiliation

Dan Hon is Principal and founder at Very Little Gravitas, a strategy consultancy, and former Editorial Director at Code for America.


Dan is on Bluesky (@danhon.com) and Mastodon (danhon@dan.mastohon.com), and can be contacted by email at dan@verylittlegravitas.com and on Signal at @danhon.1701.

His iMessage public verification code is:



Selected experience

Vision 2023: California’s Statewide Technology Strategic Plan

Lead strategy consultant for the California Department of Technology’s Vision 2023, the state’s three year technology strategic plan.

Worked directly with CDT’s Chief Strategist, the State CIO and CDT Director, and the Deputy State CIO and CDT Chief Deputy Director.

See also:

Digital Transformation Consultant, Product Strategist, State of California (2016 - 2020)

Worked directly with the Secretary, California Health and Human Services Agency; Secretary, Government Operations Agency; state Chief Information Officer and director of the California Department of Technology; Director, California Department for Social Services; Director, Office for Systems Integration.

Strategic direction: advised oversight and project management offices on the procurement, development and deployment of large-scale technology systems and legacy system modernization and replacement projects, application of product and service strategy.

Product strategy and digital services: worked with state agencies and departments to enable iterative delivery of digital service products that meet user needs.

Harvard Kennedy School cases:

Editorial Director, Code for America

Worked directly with the Executive Director developing organization policy and strategy.

Produced RFP review of Child Welfare legacy system modernization and replacement.

Creative Director, Wieden+Kennedy Portland

Co-Creative Director for Facebook’s first global brand campaign. Worked closely with Facebook leadership to understand the client environment and develop briefs addressing brand sentiment. Directed traditional and interactive creative answers to client briefs.

Creative Director on Nike, Sony, Coca-Cola and Kraft accounts.

Selected writing and interviews



Selected speaking engagements

Government digital services

Games and play


Selected talks

Awards, professional memberships and affiliations


Professional memberships and affiliations

References on request

Government references
